E Learning Partners

STEM Mentors
We provide mentorship programs for students in the Santa Barbara area who take on the challenge of STEM competition programs, such as Science Fair Projects or Science Olympiad.
Who are the mentors?
Mentors are scientists and engineers who are passionate about inspiring students to explore the fields of STEM. Many of our volunteers are Ph.D. students or researchers at UCSB, as well as community members who work in the STEM fields.
In 2022, our mentees won many awards in the Santa Barbara County Science Fair Junior High School division, including Best in Fair, Botany & Zoology, Behavioral, Cognitive & Social Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Physics, Electronics, & Computer Sciences, Mechanical & Earth Sciences, Engineering, and various special awards.
What students said about Mentors from our program...
“Our mentor was very helpful in that she brought to our attention many details of the project that we were not aware of. She taught us many factors that are hidden but play a big role in a good science project.”
"It was incredible! My mentor was super helpful and supportive during the whole project, without giving me all the answers. He was able to use the resources at UCSB to help with my project, and was always very engaged and informative."
"I really appreciated your help a lot. I can do other things and because of you I know what I want to be when I grow up. Just like you and me, there aren’t enough women in the biology field. You are an inspiration and I want to do a career such as a marine biologist. "
"My science mentor was a very nice and encouraging person! I think that future contestants deserve to have such a nice mentor. "